Thursday, October 13, 2011

Don't strain !!!

Thursday morning started out like any other....breakfast in bed (lol), and the usual "count the kicks" chart the nurses would give us every day. I was beginning to get so sick of laying around in bed... there were only so many magazines and books to and phone cost a small fortune, bottom line it was just boring !!!
That morning, I finally convinced my nurse to let me use the washroom....she told me not to strain (REALLY?!) and shoved a People magazine in my hand, and told me to take my I obliged, any time spent out of my bed , toilet or not, was going to be something new for the day !!!
I had been feeling a bit crampy that morning, but took little notice of it, simply due to the fact that I hadn't been able to use the bathroom for days.
Dr. C came around to do her rounds, and asked how we were all feeling. I explained the cramps I was feeling, but neither one of us was concerned. She asked me a few more questions, was obviously satisfied with the answers I was giving her, and was off to continue her rounds. A few minutes later, I decided to try and visit the bathroom again....iv pole in hand, clutching the back of my gown, I truly must have been a sight !!!
What happened next would forever change everything as we knew it !!!!!!

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