Sunday, December 4, 2011

Grandma meets Liam...

We had so many visitors that week....but you could tell it was a hard thing for everyone. I know everyone was happy for us, but underneath that excitement, it was hard to forget that Liam weighed a mere 690 grams and was born way too early. Obviously, letting anyone see Liam was not an option, but we shared the pictures we had.  Even now I'll admit, it's hard to look at other peoples' pictures, with family and friends snuggling chubby little newborns. When I start to feel sorry for myself though, I just think of how far Liam has come, and how amazing he really is.
Dave and I made the decision together, that we would be the only ones allowed in the least for the first few days. We weren't ready for our families to see him, we needed this time to be our own. About 3 days later, both my mom and a friend of Dave's were down for a visit. The guys went off, and I asked Mom if she was ready to meet her grandson. I knew she had been waiting for this moment since he had been born !! I tried to prepare her for what she was about to see, BUT, as preemie parents know, seeing it, is completely different. She was so funny, washing her hands for 10 minutes, she was so worried about everything. Mom was like I was....we knew the NICU existed, we knew what it's purpose was, but we never thought we'd be apart of one. I think everything hit her as hard as it did me....I hadn't even barely lifted the cover off Liam's isolette, and the tears were streaming down her face. She didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to is an utterly helpless feeling to see a tiny baby like that fighting for every breath. Sheesh, I'm tearing up just writing this....grrrrrrr !!!! A few seconds later, and she nudged my arm, and asked if we could go, she didn't want the nurses to see her, she said she was making a fool of herself......(not at all ). I think that day for her, really made it clear for all of us how touch and go this situation was....

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